Greetings one and all,
As we settle in to our new roles, we noticed that at this moment, we have no recommendations for awards. Not a one. I think it’s incredibly unlikely every person in this barony has been recognized for every contribution they’ve made to or on behalf of the barony. We are excited to recognize people’s efforts on behalf of our Barony, however we do not want to do that based on things only we see. We won’t see every good thing that should be recognized.
We have asked, and our chatelaine has generously accepted, for a single colored sheet to be produced and made available that details the merits of the various awards and orders in Three Mountains. It is our expectation that all future events will have at least one copy of this at gate to assist in the recommending of awards.
We are making two requests to you, the council and populous. First, if anyone sees someone working hard, making the fun happen for others, representing our Barony well or otherwise being wonderful, let us know. It does not need to be a long formal letter (Although, those are lovely and I will teach anyone interested how to write those if they’re interested). It can be a quick email, a handwritten note or stopping by and saying I saw “The Noble So-and-so being great today, this is what they did”.
Our second request is to all our current and future event stewards. After your event, with your closing report, please email us a list of your volunteers with any information you can provide about what they did for your event. This should include an approximate number of hours they worked and the things they did. It doesn’t need to be a novel, it can be whatever information you have available. We’re asking for this so we can figure out who the quiet behind the scenes volunteers are and start recognizing them. As an event steward, you may know they worked a few hours at gate, what you won’t necessarily see is that they worked gate at every event for 2 years. This gathering in of information from our event stewards will allow us to spot that.
Baronial Progress: We’ll be attending Founding revel in Stromgard this weekend, Decimus will be attending Kingdom Arts and Sciences the following weekend.
Organizationally, our head of retinue is Companion Selene, Chingis is our camp master, Qara is coordinating food for camping events and Mistress RoAnna is our largesse coordinator.
As camping season nears, we’d like to make something clear to everyone. Wherever we are, we’re camping as the Barony of Three Mountains. Anyone who is a part of Three Mountains is welcome and invited to camp with us. Our Camp Master is Chingis and he will be making land requests at events and organizing where tents land in the space. Wherever possible, he’s going to organize the tents into an open ‘U’ so we always have an open welcoming space to share. If you’d like to camp with us, he’ll be putting up a FB post on the baronial page for each event so he can gather the land request information.
At first court, we’ll be meeting with officers, past sergeants and sergeants candidates as well as receiving oaths. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Yours in Service,
Doctore Decimus Felix, Consul, Three Mountains
Companion Vivien NicUldoon, Baroness, Three Mountains