Baronial Polling To Begin Soon!

Good day to all citizens of Three Mountains,

As we have mentioned before, with the Crown’s permission, we intend to step down after three years of service to the Barony.  The entire experience has been a lot of work, but it has been incredible.  We do have other goals we would like to accomplish, other forms of service we would like to provide at this time.  Make no mistake, we will gladly take on this Station again in the future, should the Crown wish.  The love that Our citizens have shown us this last three years warms our hearts and we do not regret a single moment.  But the time has come for us to find our successors, and this weekend at July Coronation, their Majesties Christian and Helene have given us leave to begin the process.

The following was our letter to the Crown of An Tir:

To Your most Royal Majesties of An Tir,

There are many memories that our beloved Kingdom has helped to foster in us.  The largest being a part of the Dream as Your representatives in the lands of Three Mountains.

In the last five reigns of the Sable Thrones, we have shared the joy of this Dream with those around us.  We have seen the smiles and tears of joy amongst Your citizens as they receive recognition of their good works, from Your hands as well as ours.  We have shared in their victories and challenges.  We have welcomed guests from other lands; peers and citizens from Kingdoms as far away as Lochac and everywhere in between who yearned to spread the Dream as best they can.  Inversely, we have shared loss with our citizens and attempted to be a salve of comfort at times of need.  All these experiences, privileges, and opportunities that You have afforded have provided us memories and lessons that we count as treasures.  These gems will not soon be forgotten.  We thank Your Majesties and Your Highnesses, and those who have come before you for this gift.

Even as this station has brought us a wealth of friendships and experiences, we feel the need to move on to other responsibilities.  With this knowledge, we beg leave to prepare to find our replacements, to fill this august and necessary office, to step up as the new Baron & Baroness of Three Mountains.  Our hope is that upon approval of the schedule or timeline by Their Majesties’ we wish to step down at 12th Night A.S. 53.

Please be assured that we will do our best to encourage suitable candidates to submit themselves and once your choice has been made, we will continue to foster service, honor, and chivalry amongst all Your citizens.

We thank Your Majesties once more for this opportunity.

As always, we remain

Yours in Service To The Dream and to An Tir,

Sebastiaen & Erika

We have begun the conversation with the Kingdom Polling Deputy and our Seneschal as to what needs to happen and what the schedule will be to be ready for the changeover at 12th Night.  Once this is determined, it will be posted here on the Barony of Three Mountains website, and it will be published in the Plume.  PLEASE NOTE: All official communications regarding this process will originate in The Crier, The Plume and the Baronial website.

We encourage all persons who have even the slightest interest in becoming a Baron or Baroness to begin preparing your letter of intent.  Put together details of any previous service you have contributed and details of why you would like to be the Crown’s representative in Three Mountains.  Also make yourselves familiar with Corpora Law, Kingdom Law, the Baronial Customary as well as the Financial Policies of the Barony.

If you have any questions about the process, advice on your letter, or the details of what it takes to hold this Station, feel free to contact us and we will endeavor to help.

In the meantime, please stay tuned for more information and the schedule that is produced.

Yours In Service To The Dream

Sebastiaen & Erika
Baron & Baroness of Three Mountains