Baronial Candidates Meet & Greet

Meet your contenders for the Baronial coronets

Wednesday October 27th, 7pm

Our contenders are:

Lady and Lord Eden the Mad & Michael Leland Sinclaire
Dame Lissette De La Rose OP & Baron Cormac Mór OP

They will be available for questions, comments and concerns from the populace. Meeting link will be posted on our Facebook page:

Cormac Mor & Lissette de la Rose

Unto Their Majesties Christian and Helene, undoubted King and Queen of An Tir, Their Royal Highnesses Sven and Rauokinn, Their Excellencies Decimus and Vivien, Baron and Baroness of Three Mountains, and to the populace of the Barony, greetings from Thegn Cormac Mór and Dame Lissette de la Rose. We hope this letter finds you well, and wish to express our intent to succeed Their Excellencies as Baron and Baroness.

The Baronage of Three Mountains is a considerable responsibility, and not one to be taken lightly. As Baron and Baroness, we would continue the work done by Their Excellencies to guide the Barony through these dark times and into greater activity through the other side of the pandemic.

As the kingdom opens up to more in-person events, we are committed to the safety of the populace. To that end, we intend to follow the strictest of safety guidelines presented by the Society, kingdom, federal, state, county, and municipal policies, and support our seneschal in enforcement.

We bring a collective 45 years of SCA experience, with Cormac and Lissette participating since 2002 and 1995, respectively. We are both companions of the Order of the Pelican, and have served at all levels of the Society from local to Corporate.

The role of the Baronage requires a solid understanding of court theatre and protocol. As experienced court heralds we recognize the power of a solidly run court to inspire and uplift the populace. We also understand that this support goes far behind the scenes and would love the opportunity to assume these roles. We would use the positions of the Baronage to recognize and encourage the growth of individual members of the populace, utilizing both existing awards and other means of recognition to bring their work to the attention of the populace as a whole.

We are fully aware of the heavy burden and responsibility inherent in the roles of landed baron and baroness. If we are deemed worthy by the Crown and Populace to take on the mantle of Three Mountains, we would take on the burden gladly and without hesitation.

Eden the Mad & Michael Sinclaire

By this Letter of Intent do we, the Honorable Lady Eden the Mad, and the Honorable Lord Michael Sinclaire, hereby submit our petition for consideration to take up the responsibilities of Three Mountains Baronial Coronets. As devoted citizens of Three Mountains, we pledge our service and our hearts to the good people of our noble Barony; to the Crown we pledge our fealty; and to The Kingdom of AnTir, our dedication.

Unto Their Royal Majesties Christian III and Helène III, The Eternal and The Everlasting; Their Royal Highnesses, Sven and Rauokinn; Their

Excellencies, Consul Decimus Varius Felix, Baroness Vivien nic Uldoon, and to the Good and Noble Populace of the Barony of Three Mountains, we, Eden and Michael send our most heartfelt greetings and salutations.

We request the honor of being considered for the role of the next Baron and Baroness of Three Mountains. We have spent considerable time and dedication to learn and understand the responsibilities, duties, and traditions of the Baronage; as well as to how and when to encourage, support, and defer to the Crown as warranted.

We have a long history within the great Kingdom of An Tir, having spent the better part of the last 30 years providing service and entertainment to An Tir’s populace. Recently we expanded our outreach through scribal and service efforts, both on the Baronial and Kingdom level. Throughout this Great Kingdom His Lordship Michael Sinclaire is well-known as the friendly guy with many hats and garb who is unfailingly supportive, artistically talented and jumps in to help without being asked. Her Ladyship Eden the Mad spent her early career performing and teaching Middle Eastern Dance within the Kingdom, and now invests her artistic talents to provide beautifully crafted awards for the Baronial, Principality and the Kingdom’s worthy subjects.

These last couple of years have been incredibly hard for the people of our Society, and navigating a New Normal going forward will require patience, compassion, vision and hope. Due to the practice we’ve had leading our SCA household, House Daos, through 30 years of change, we are uniquely qualified to help our Barony navigate these new waters, and come out stronger than before. Our hope is to re-invigorate our great Barony through activities, community outreach and helping our populace remember the FUN we had together prior to the plague and we are confident that this will impact the Kingdom as a whole. With our many years invested in An Tir, we plan to focus on what makes the SCA enjoyable – from games, to bardics,

to arts and sciences, to tourneys, to helping the community, to sharing stories around a campfire. We will also continue our predecessor’s focus on the Sergentry, making the Barony accessible, and support the Tri-Baronial Treaty. Our goal is to establish a connection with Three Mountain’s populace, reach out to new communities that have not yet found us, and to do our part to bring An Tir’s “family” back together again.