Baroness War

Greetings All,

Baroness’ war last year was a tale of ridiculous and comedic woe. My injured Baron couldn’t yet travel with me, the road trip amongst allies was a bit fraught with injury, there was a tent flattened by the brutal northern winds, and my hand was maligned by a purportedly noble steed (my nail grew back eventually). Our victory was in surviving the war rather than coming home in triumph.


This year, we’re rousing the barony and taking all the fields.

• Iron Scribe competitors
An original scroll created beginning to end on site.
Who will amaze the other baronies with the artistry of our scribes?

• War field fighters
I’m recruiting troops. ALL the troops.
Who will fight under the banner of Three Mountains?

• Siege Cooking competitors
The event supplies some of the ingredients and limits you to a few more. You have a set time to create a meal (I did it last year and it was a lot of fun).
Who will make bellies growl in envy at the skill of Three Mountains cooks?

• Someone to organize the creation of gift bags for the baronesses of AnTir
There is a mighty exchange of largesse between the baronesses showing off the skills of our populaces. There are some gifts to the baronesses directly, however, most of the items are meant to be distributed in turn to THEIR populace. Which spreads our baronies word-fame and skill across the kingdom. The idea isn’t to make a big bag-of-stuff: its to show our baronys’ skills at every level.

Who is willing to drive this and inspire the baronies by the skill and love of our artists and crafters?

• Champions for Archery, Cut & Thrust, Thrown Weapons, Rapier and Heavy tournaments
Each baroness designates TWO champions for each category. The baronial champions will be recruiting these champions for us. If you’d like to compete in these categories as our champion, please speak to them.
Who will stand as my champions?

The War is April 3 – 5. There will be a Three Mountains encampment that you (yes, you) are invited and welcome to stay with.

Sound your war cry and make ready.

Vivien, Baroness Three Mountains