Letter From The Coronet – July 2016

Good Evening to the Council and Populace of Three Mountains,


This last month has been full of events all over the Kingdom. We most recently went to July Coronation and were able to witness the step down of their Graces Eirik and Driffina. The coronation of their Majesties Kjartan and Sha’ya was beautiful and moving.


Our own Seneschal Selene was elevated this past weekend to the Order of the Pelican. Congratulations! After releasing her to their Majesties, we conferred upon her the status of Seargent Emeritus. We thank her again for all her service.


For those who may not have heard, Francis Darcy has been put on vigil for the Order of the Laurel.


We want to extend a huge heartfelt “Thank You!” to Dana Chathair Saibhin (Spritzie) for all of her hard work representing Three Mountains and taking on the task of Waterbearing during all of the tournaments.


Over the next couple of weeks, we will be quite busy at events, if you would like to be part of our retinue and/or court please contact Vivien NicUldoon, our Head of Retinue.


Our current plan is to attend the following:

  • A Game of Thrones and Stormgods, July 22-24
  • August in the Park, July 30
  • Archery Academy, August 12-14
  • September Crown, September 2-5

If you would like to camp in the Three Mountains encampment for any of the camping events, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may reserve space with the land stewards for each event.

And finally, with Archery Academy quickly approaching, we have chosen to receive letters of intent to compete in the championship tournaments for Archery and Thrown Weapons electronically, in advance of the event. Due to the limited amount of time, we will have introductions only during the opening court. It is our hope that this will keep court brief, so that everyone has time to go to all of the classes and competitions that they have scheduled.

Please send your letters of intent to compete for the honor of Archery Champion and Thrown Weapons Champion to baron-baroness@baronyofthreemountains.org prior to August 11, 2016.

Yours in Service

Sebastiaen and Erika
Baron and Baroness of Three Mountains