Greetings to the populace of Three Mountains,
Eventing season has arrived in full force, faster than we were all prepared for, I’m sure. Definitely faster that we were ready for. In the coming weeks we will be attending the following events:
- May Crown (May 20th-22nd)
- The Grand Thing (May 27th-30th)
- Summits June Investiture (June 3rd-5th)
- An Tir/West War (June 29th-July 3rd)
Please let us know if you are planning on attending any or all of these events, as we can always use some help with setting up the Baronial Pavilion and accoutrement. We will continue to put word out on the Book of Faces to remind people that we need your help.
This last weekend, we were at Faire in the Grove along with Baroness Hlutwige cheering on the combatants and talking to many people new and seasoned about the SCA. We hope to have many contacts in the coming weeks from this event. Our own Arts & Sciences Minister, Tullia won a prize for best Demo for her Roman display and “Talk to Me” booth.
We are still looking for an event steward for our Championship Tournament on 9/17/16. Anyone interested, please talk to either of us or Selene about putting a bid together.
Please remember that we would like your commentary for the state of the Barony. We will be providing this information to their Majesties at May Crown. Please feel free to talk to us, request some time from us at a later date, or you can email your comments to our email address
Also, since eventing season will be in full swing soon, please remember to make recommendations for awards. You can either talk to us about it, or you can email it to
Yours In Service to The Dream,
Sebastiaen & Erika
Baron & Baroness Three Mountains