Fox and Geese

Fox And GeesePlayers | 2


  • Playing Board
  • 13 markers of one color(the geese)
  • 1 marker of another color (the fox)

The Basics

The goal of the game is for the geese to immobilize the fox and for the fox to eat geese until there are too few geese to trap him.

Placing the pieces

The geese are placed before play begins (see the picture below). The fox is placed on any remaining open space.


  • The fox: The fox moves first and can move along a line, forwards, backwards or sideways to the next point on the board. The fox can also jump over a goose to an empty point capturing the goose and removing it from the board. More than one goose can be captured in a single turn as long as the fox can land on an open space.
  • The geese: One goose can move each turn and can move along a line, forwards, backwards or sideways to the next point on the board. Geese can not jump over the fox to capture it.


The geese win by mobbing the fox: surrounding it or trapping it against the side of the board so that the fox can no longer make any move. The fox wins by capturing enough of the geese markers that they can no longer effectively immobilize the fox.

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