Change in 3Mts Archery Practice

Greetings to the archery community.

There is a schedule and location change for the Three Mountains Archery Practices, until further notice.
Archery Practices will be held twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, at Washington Park.
For May this means May 2nd and 16th. The start time remains the usual 5-530 traffic depending.

I realize this is different from the traditional weekly (4x/month) schedule, and I am sympathetic to concerns. Anyone is welcome to 1) Practice on their own or in an unofficial manner with other people, and I highly recommend this anyway; 2) Someone with a JR or SR TAM card is welcome and encouraged to step in and hold official practice on the alternating Wednesdays (I am happy to get you set up with targets and score sheets).

In service
Deputy Archery Marshal 3M