Letter from the Coronet – September 2017

Greetings officers and citizens of Three Mountains,

This last month has been very active. Immediately following our last Council meeting, we began Sport of Kings. As you know, this event usually brings people from all over the world, and this year was no different. We wish to thank everyone that had a hand in this event coming together. We made new friends, got to visit with long time friends, and took some classes. We game some awards to deserving citizens, but the ceremony that took the evening was the giving of the Iron Chain to a former citizen of Three Mountains by their Majesties. We look forward to this event again in two years.

While we were unable to attend Crown, we do wish to congratulate Crown Prince Savaric for winning a best of 9 final round. We look forward to their Coronation at 12th Night, and working with them during their reign. Long Live Crown Prince Savaric and Crown Princess Dala.

A little over a week ago, Kingdom Heralds and Scribes Symposium was held in our Barony which again brought people from all over An Tir to our fine Barony, including their Majesties again. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time, and learned many new skills.

We are looking forward to our Youth Championship at Yule and would like to encourage parents and youth to begin thinking about participating. We will be speaking with our current champion to discuss the format for the next Championship tournament and will announce soon.

While we are looking forward to events that are already scheduled this year which include Honor Feast, our Arts & Sciences Championship tournament, and Tri-Baronial Yule, we need to begin looking towards other events in the coming year. We need to look to events to hold our Heavy, Rapier championships, Tri-Baronial Archery and Thrown Weapons Championships, as well as Archery Academy. We would like to encourage our citizens to begin taking on some of these events. If you are interested in learning how to run an event, contact us and we will connect you with some of our experienced event Stewards to talk you through it.

To help with this, we have begun to scout some farms in the Molalla area that have been brought to us by a citizen of Three Mountains. It appears we may soon have access to a site that shows promise for both local events, wars and Crown level events. If anyone is interested, we will have the information available for those interested in stewarding an event in late summer.

Here is our current progress:

* 10/8/17 Fall Orders and Customary

* 11/11/17 Onora Festa (Honor Feast)

* 1/12/18 An Tir 12th Night

* 1/26/18 Ursulmas (His Excellency)

Yours In Service To The Dream

Sebastiaen & Erika

Baron & Baroness of Three Mountains