Letter from the Coronet – October 2017

Greetings officers and citizens of Three Mountains,

We’ve had a quiet month, this last month. We had the Orders & Customary meeting on 10/8/17 where we were able to meet with all of the Orders, as well as review the Customary and Financial Policy. We even got done a little bit early to everyone’s delight.

Please keep in mind as we are getting ready for Honor Feast next month, that we would like everyone to make a recommendation of who the next Honoree should be. Please email your recommendations to us at baron-baroness@baronyofthreemountains.org. We would like these as soon as possible so that we can announce the next honoree at the event.

We are also collecting your thoughts on the state of the Barony so that we can forward those thoughts to the Crown before 12th Night. Please email your concerns and comments to us. If you would prefer that we take this information in person, please contact us so that we may set up a time with you.

We are looking forward to our Youth Championship at Yule and would like to encourage parents and youth to begin thinking about participating. We will be speaking with our current champion to discuss the format for the next Championship tournament and will announce soon.


Our progress over the next few months is as follows:

* 11/11/17 Onora Festa (Honor Feast)

* 1/12/18 An Tir 12th Night

* 1/26/18 Ursulmas (His Excellency)


Yours In Service,

Sebastiaen & Erika

Baron & Baroness of Three Mountains